The Components of Comprehensive Website Design
If you’re in need of a website for your business, you may say you want something that resembles a website you visit a lot. You probably have an idea of the big picture of the design. You can visualize what you want the final website to look like, but you might not have put much thought into the individual components. This way of looking at a website is similar to viewing the forest and not the individual trees. However, you have to look at each of the components—the trees—in order to actually create this website. Here are the components of website design and what you need to consider about each.
The text on your website is one of the most important components, but it’s often overlooked because the visuals can be so overpowering. While images, videos, and other graphics should grab your attention, it’s usually the text that provides most of the information to your visitors. Text also helps search engines find and categorize your website. If your text isn’t search engine optimized and useful to human readers, your website may quickly be forgotten.
Visual Design
The visual design and layout of your website needs to be smooth, easy on the eye, and unobtrusive to the other elements on the page. You want everything laid out in such a way that it’s not overpowering or confusing. Someone looking at your website should know in what sequence to look at things on the site. The background should be very unobtrusive and shouldn’t pull attention away from the visuals or text on the page. The same is true of the navigation system.
User Experience
Designing the user’s experience on your website isn’t something that just happens. A great web design company in Los Angeles will actually start with thinking about what experience a user should have when he or she is on your webpage. Do you want users to simply read information or do you want them to take some kind of action? How should your website and each page on it make the user feel? Does your website provide a unified experience? All of the pages on your site need to work together in such a way that the user doesn’t feel lost or jarred when moving from page to page.
Interactive Design
How does a visitor interact with your website? This includes how he or she gathers information from your site, how he or she navigates through the various pages, and how he or she purchases products, books services, and contacts you. All of these different components must work seamlessly together. If the end user experience that comes from interacting with your website is confusing, difficult, or irritating, the user may abandon your site and move on to a competitor who has a much more user-friendly website.
You can’t always assume the same interactive design that one website uses will work for another website, even if that website is similar. Different companies, products, services, and locations can all impact how someone interacts with your site and what works for those users.