Simple Ways to Refresh Your Website
It has been a few years since your last business website update, and it’s feeling a little bit outdated. With the ever-accelerating and evolving pace of digital innovation and the ever-changing demands of site visitors, the overall impact of a site doesn’t last as long as it did a few years ago.
If you are still not ready for a full site redesign, we have got good news. There are lots of things that you can do to refresh your site without spending a lot of money or starting from scratch.
Here are a few ways to freshen up the overall look and feel of your website and make it outstanding.
Reinvent Your Homepage
Did you know that your homepage is the most important page on your site? This is where your visitors land when they click on your website URL, and you need to make sure that you provide a great first impression that will trigger further interaction.
But, most site owners design their homepages to be a long-lasting fixture which isn’t right. You need to ensure that your homepage evolves continuously to reflect the changing needs of your target audience.
So, if you haven’t revamped your homepage recently, take time to evaluate it and determine whether it is still serving its rightful purpose. If not, take time to rewrite it and repackage it to make it look and read better.
Re-Examine Your Keyword Strategy
Search engine optimization is a quite sophisticated concept that keeps on evolving. Your keyword strategy for 2017 might not be quite effective in 2019. For your business site refresh, work with your trusted Canadian web design and SEO company to create a new list of potential keywords- primary, secondary, and long-tail.
Conduct your research and know what you want. Use simple tools such as the Google Keyword Planner to determine the best keywords to use in your CTAs, page titles, blog posts, and image alt tags.
You should also review the specific keywords that are performing well for your site and if they are doing their job well, keep using them.
Perform a Link Audit
Although this should be done regularly, this is the right time to do it if you haven’t done it recently. Check your content for all broken or outdated links to improve user experience and search engine ranking.
Nothing is frustrating as clicking on a link that returns the 404 error. In addition to being inconvenient for your site visitors, broken links can also lessen your credibility.
Be sure to go through your entire site and make sure that all links are working fine and they are up-to-date. Check your Google Analytics report or contact a Canadian web design company to see if there any links that need to be fixed or updated.
Add New Content
High-quality content plays a critical role in SEO and attracting potential customers to your site. Therefore, you can’t just create a few blog posts and assume that they’ll be good forever.
Updating your content is a vital component of your site refresh process. Your content has to evolve constantly to satisfy the needs of your existing and potential clients.
Develop a habit of checking your website for irrelevant or outdated information and make a point of replacing it with well-written and updated content that is both user and search engine friendly.