Everything You Need to Know About ASV Compliance with PCI DSS Requirements
A data breach or system attack can cripple or devastate an organization as well as its customer base especially that captures personally identifiable information via acceptance of credit cards. These incidents can cost your business a lot financially and in terms of negative brand value.
Many businesses strive to achieve vulnerability management as well as compliance cost-effectively. Frontline Payment Card Industry-Professional service guides companies and businesses through the PCI Data Security Standards.Approved scanning vendors provides solutions that helps your business to adhere to PCI DSS requirements. PCI Security Standards Council tests a vendor’s scan solution as well as ensures that the PCI approved scanning vendor meets all stipulated requirements to conduct PCI data security scanning.
PCI DSS Council lists security providers as ASV. What is an ASV? It is an organization which has a set of security services as well as tools to perform external vulnerability scanning services to verify adherence with the requirements of PCI DSS Requirement 11.2.2.
How are ASVs Qualified to test your System?
They undergo a thorough testing and retesting policy annually to maintain their status as ASV. The PCI SSC has put in place strict guidelines on how to be ASV. Additionally, they charge annual fees for ASVs to maintain their status. The measures ensures that ASVs are serious and established companies capable of keeping up with the ever-changing security measures, as well as provide businesses with accurate information on their security needs. You can be sure you are covered if you receive passing scan reports from an ASC which also completes your other PCI compliance requirements.
ASVs offer a wide array of security services. However, they mainly offer PCI certificates to companies through vulnerability scanning. PCI compliance basics requires performing of external vulnerability scan to establish possible weakness in systems that can be taken advantage of by attackers. PCI SSC certifies ASVs to empower them to give you the attestation of compliance your business needs. PCI certificates generally come in scan reports forms. Many ASVs provides equivalent copies of your passing scan reports instead of the actual PCI certificates.
How Often do you need ASV Scanning?
PCI scanning is usually done quarterly. It is recommended to scan a few weeks before the due date in preparation for you quarterly ASV scan. This is to allow for enough time for remediation and rescanning. You should also go for organizations that will provide unlimited scans to reduce costs. That way, you will be able to run unlimited scans for no extra cost. You will manage to schedule scans more often as you would like to keep you on your on toes when dates are near as well as make sure you don’t miss a deadline with your bank.
What to look for in an ASV
A great ASV should go above and beyond base PCI DSS requirements such as vulnerability scanning to ensure accurate compliance as well as comprehensive security. You should also not fall into the trap of ASVs in remediation. Additionally, an ASV should not provide scanning services that will wear down your card processing environment by configuring engines to run light on systems.